Friday, April 6, 2007

Ruby/Rails or Zope/Plone?

After a lot of research, we have zeroed down on our t2.0 framework to built on either Ruby on Rails or Zope & Plone. Let's now see who will be the winner. Each has its own unique strengths and weaknesses.

Here are a few things that we learnt researching and talking to experts:
Plone is a very feature-rich content management system, but it doesn't sound like it suits our needs, and managing large amounts of data is particularly troublesome. It doesn't sit on a relational database, you can use relational databases with it, but this is complicated and quite hacky. Plone is also extremely slow, there are lots of tricks to speed it up but this will take up more precious development time. The language its written in is Python, which is a good language to use and has a large community, if you are familiar with Python and you want to get off the ground quickly, then you should be looking at a framework called Django, its Python's answer to Rails.

Many experts have recommended us Ruby on Rails. Ruby on its own is a brilliant language to learn. It has been found that the Zope/Python framework and the language are very restrictive, and need constant hacking to get simple things to work. On Ruby on Rails, our friends are developing applications in days that took weeks in Zope/Python. We haven't looked much at Django but nothing we have seen has made us even think of choosing it over Rails, the main factor is the language itself, Ruby is much more fun than Python.

So we feel Ruby on Rails will be the winner because of its great, user-friendly and cool features!

Will keep you posted.

Team Talentify